Jumat, 20 Agustus 2010

The Stage Of Life

Life is a like a show
We're the players
Earth is the stage

Life is like a show
Some real
Some not

Life is like a show
It has beginning
And an ending

Life is like a show
When a player is gone
There's someone to fill in for them

The stage of life

Senin, 09 Agustus 2010

a thing that makes me sure that I Love You

yesterday night, I was crying in my bedroom because my mom was mad at me. I was sooooo sad I can't even think. Suddenly I though of you, in less the 5 minutes, I stop crying and I smile. I realized I was soooooooo lucky I have you. If you read this blog, I just wanna say thanks for being there in my heart...Love You Always...

Minggu, 01 Agustus 2010

A Book of Life

By: Nisrina Dewi Salsabila

Life is like a book
There’s good times
And the bad times

Life is like a book
Some is long and big
Some is short and small
Some is thick and heavy
Some is thin and light

Life is like a book
Some is hard to understand
Some is easy

Life is like a book
The next page is a mystery
You’ll never know what’s happening next

Life is like a book
It has a start
It has an end

Life is like a book
There’s more than just one chapter
When a chapter ends, there’ll be a new one

The time is going to come when the book has to end
It has finished
No more chapters to read

But I know,
When it does
There’s going to be another book to discover

Selasa, 06 Juli 2010

U Smile, I Smile...(kisah s'org tmn dkt)

Gw pny s'org tmn dkt...nm ny Rifa...kt sk SMS-an sampe jam 12 mlm..hehehe...(Shhh)...gini crita nya...

Klo ga slh 2 minggu yg lalu, dy SMS kt ny dy pny mslh sm shbt ny yg lain...gw suruh dy utk sabar...beberapa hari kemudian, dy SMS gw, dy blg (intinya) "sal, mslh gw sm ***** udh slese...dy skrg ngelupain gw...gw nyesel kenal sm dy, gw nyesel sk sm dy, gw nyesel terlalu dkt sm dy...:'(" (sorry klo ad yg slh)...gw sedih dgr itu...lg2 gw blg dy utk sabar...sejak hari itu...ga sesering biasa ny kt SMS an...kmrn mlm, gw chat sm ***** (org yg lg ad mslh sm dy). Gw tny emg dy mrh..dy jwb ga...gw lgsg SMS tmn gw ngasih tau klo dy g mrh...akhir nya si ***** ngajak dy chat..dy smp nangis...dy smp blg thanks ke gw berkali2...dy SMS, bahkan di blog ny dy blg thanx...gw terharu bgt, krn msh ad org yg ngehargain gw, gw hampir nangis....tp gw sng bgt, krn dy akhir nya bs baikkan sm *****...


Senin, 05 Juli 2010

Angkatan 6 Lz...I love You

Td pagi gw ke sklh buat cap 3 jari di ijazah...tpt d wkt itu, udh official gw bkn anak SD lg..seneng sih, bisamelangkah sampe sejauh ini...tp berat rasanya ninggalin SD, 6 thn bersama tmn2 ang 6 yg seru, kocak, gokil, dll...

Abis cap 3 jari, gw ngantru ngambil buku tahunan...bangga bgt setelah melihat hasil kerja tim buku tahunan ang 6...mulai dari cover depan, cover blakang, isi, foto2, dll...
Halaman per halaman buku gw buka, gw baca, dr cover depan sampe cover blakang...
terharu, ngeliat tmn2 gw, apalagi hampir semua tmn2 deket gw pindah sklh...termasuk BFFNE (best friend forever n ever) gw, Rara (liat blog sebelum ny ttg shbt gw), dy pindah lbh jauh dr yg lain

Kesimpulan nya...gw kangen dan bangga bgt sm Angkatan 6...


(Ps: sorry klo crt krg nyambung ato kata2 krg berkenan...maklum, bkn penulis..hehe)

That's all for now!!

Sabtu, 13 Maret 2010

Taylor Swift

Name: Taylor Alison Swift
Birth: Wyomissing, Pennsylvania, December 13th, 1989
Genre: Country, Pop
Job Title: Singer, Song Writer, Guitarist, Actress
Instrument: Sing, Guitar, Piano, Ukulele
Albums: Taylor Swift (2006)
Sounds Of The Seasons:The Taylor Swift Holiday Collection (2007)
Fearless (2008)
ALBUM : Fearless Lyrics ARTIST : Taylor Swift

Jumat, 12 Maret 2010

My Best Friends

entry ini pendek, cm beberapa baris...

my bestest friends:

1. Kirana Zahra/Rara (krudung pink)
2. Sutan Shiddiqi/Eki (bju kuning)
3. Aisya Indiani/Aisya(satu lagi)